
The Locale module provides a mechanism to build apps that adapt to users using different languages, timezones, currencies and other local unit standards.

See the Locale guide to learn how to work with the Locale module.


  • availableLocales A hash array of available localizations the app supports, where each key is the locale name, and each value a hash array with the keys below. By default, a locale named main is defined with the following default values.

    • domains An array of domains that will trigger this localization when the request to the app comes from one of them, or false if this is the only locale to be used always. Default: false

    • language The language used in this localization, one of the available LANGUAGE_? constants. Default: LANGUAGE_ENGLISH

    • dateFormat The date format used in this localization, one of the available DATE_FORMAT_? constants. Default: DATE_FORMAT_MIDDLE_ENDIAN

    • temperatureUnits The temperature units used in this localization, one of the available TEMPERATURE_UNITS_? constants. Default: TEMPERATURE_UNITS_FAHRENHEIT

    • currency The currency used in this localization, one of the available CURRENCY_? constants. Default: CURRENCY_USD

    • decimalMark The type character used when separating decimal digits in this localization, one of the available DECIMAL_MARK_? constants. Default: DECIMAL_MARK_POINT

    • measurementSystem The measurement system used in this localization, one of the available MEASUREMENT_SYSTEM_? constants. Default: MEASUREMENT_SYSTEM_IMPERIAL

    • timeZone The timezone id used in this localization, from the cherrycake_location_timezones table of the Cherrycake skeleton database. Default: 532 (532 is the id for the Etc/UTC time zone)

  • defaultLocale The locale name to use when it can not be auto-detected. Default: main

  • canonicalLocale The locale to consider canonical, used i.e. in the HtmlDocument module to set the rel="canonical" meta tag, in order to let search engines understand that there are different pages in different languages that represent the same content.

  • availableLanguages An array of the languages that are available for the app. The specifiedtextsTableName should contain at least the proper text_<language code> fields for this languages. From the available LANGUAGE_? constants. Default: [LANGUAGE_ENGLISH]

  • geolocationMethod The method to use to determine the user's geographical location, one of the available GEOLOCATION_METHOD_? constants.

  • textsTableName The name of the table where multilingual localized texts are stored. See the cherrycake_locale_texts table in the Cherrycake skeleton database. Default: cherrycake_locale_texts

  • textsDatabaseProviderName The name of the database provider where the localized multilingual texts are found. Default: main

  • textCategoriesTableName The name of the table where text categories are stored. See the cherrycake_locale_textCategories table in the Cherrycake skeleton database. Default: cherrycake_locale_textCategories

  • textCacheProviderName The name of the cache provider that will be used to cache localized multilingual texts. Default: engine

  • textCacheKeyPrefix The prefix of the keys when storing texts into cache. Default: LocaleText

  • textCacheDefaultTtl The default TTL for texts stored into cache. Default: CACHE_TTL_NORMAL

  • timeZonesTableName The name of the table where the timezones are stored. See the cherrycake_location_timezones table in the Cherrycake skeleton database. Default: cherrycake_location_timezones

  • timeZonesDatabaseProviderName The name of the database provider where the timezones are found. Default: main

  • timeZonesCacheProviderName The name of the cache provider that will be user to cache timezones. Default: engine

  • timeZonesCacheKeyPrefix The prefix of the keys when storing timezones into cache. Default:LocaleTimeZone

  • timeZonesCacheDefaultTtl The default TTL for timezones stored into cache. Default: CACHE_TTL_NORMAL




  • DATE_FORMAT_LITTLE_ENDIAN Almost all the world, like "20/12/2010", "9 November 2003", "Sunday, 9 November 2003", "9 November 2003"

  • DATE_FORMAT_BIG_ENDIAN Asian countries, Hungary and Sweden, like "2010/12/20", "2003 November 9", "2003-Nov-9, Sunday"

  • DATE_FORMAT_MIDDLE_ENDIAN United states and Canada, like "12/20/2010", "Sunday, November 9, 2003", "November 9, 2003", "Nov. 9, 2003", "Nov/9/2003"











  • TIMESTAMP_FORMAT_BASIC Basic formatting, like 5/18/2020

  • TIMESTAMP_FORMAT_HUMAN Human readable formatting, like may 18th, 2020

  • TIMESTAMP_FORMAT_RELATIVE_HUMAN Formatting relative to now, like 10 hours ago



  • GEOLOCATION_METHOD_CLOUDFLARE Uses Cloudflare IP geolocation by reading the CF-IPCountry HTTP header added by Cloudflare when this option is enabled.

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