Item properties


The name of the cache provider to use.

Default: engine


The TTL for the cache storage.



The string to use as the key for this Item in the cache, the value of the idFieldName will be appended.


The name of the database provider to use when querying the database for this item.

Default: main


Hash array specification of the fields on the database table for this item class, where each key is the field name and the value is a hash array with the following keys:

  • type The type of the field, one of the available DATABASE_FIELD_TYPE_?

  • formItem A hash array containing the specification of this field when used in forms. Used by ItemAdmin.

    • type The type of the form item, one of the available FORM_ITEM_TYPE_?

    • selectType When using the FORM_ITEM_TYPE_SELECT type, the select type, from one of the following available values:



    • items When using the FORM_ITEM_TYPE_SELECT type, a hash array of the items available to be selected, where each key is the field value, and each value is a hash array with the following possible keys:

      • title The title of the select option

      • subTitle The subtitle of the select option

  • isMultiLanguageWhether this field stores multi-language data, meaning there are more than one actual fields on the database, one for each available language. As configured in the Locale module's setup key availableLanguages

  • title The title of the field, to be used when representing data on UI components like UiComponentTableAdmin.

  • prefix The prefix string to add when humanizing the field value. For example: USD for american dollar quantities like USD300

  • postfix The postfix string to add when humanizing the field value. For example: º for values in degrees like 32º

  • multiplier A multiplier to apply when humanizing the field value.

  • decimals The number of decimals to show when humanizing the field value

  • humanizeMethodName A method name to call to humanize the field value. It will receive the Item object as the first and only parameter. If this returns something other than null, the returned value will be used and any other humanizing method and configs like prefix, postfix, multiplier, decimals, etc will be omitted.

  • humanizePreMethodName A method name to call with the field value before any other humanization is done. It will receive the Item object as the first and only parameter.

  • humanizePostMethodName A method name to call with the field value after any other humanization is done. It will receive the already treated value as the first parameter and the Item object as the second.

  • representFunction An anonymous function that will receive the Item object. The returned value will be shown to represent this field current value in UI components such as UiComponentItemAdmin when used in conjunction with ItemAdmin.

  • requestSecurityRules An array of security rules from the available SECURITY_RULE_? that should be applied whenever receiving values for this field in a request, just like the RequestParameter class accepts. Used for example in ItemAdmin.

  • requestFilters An array of filter from the available SECURITY_FILTER_? that should be applied whenever receiving values for this field in a request, just like the RequestParameter class accepts. Used for example in ItemAdmin.

  • validationMethod An anonymous function to validate the received value for this field, or an array where the first element is the class name, and the second the method name, just like the call_user_func PHP function would expect it. Must return an AjaxResponseJson object. Used for example in ItemAdmin.


The name of the field on the table that uniquely identifies this item on the database table with a numeric id. It should be an auto-increment field.

Default: id


The method to use when loading this item from the database via an index. Possible values:

  • queryDatabaseCache Load the item from the database using cache.

  • queryDatabase Load the item from the database without using cache.

Default: queryDatabase


Hash array specification of the fields for this item type that are not fields on the database, but instead fields that interact with the database in a special way. For example, a location meta field might interact with the database by setting the countryId, regionId and cityId non-meta fields. Each key is the field name, and each value a hash array with following possible keys:

  • formItem A hash array containing the specification of this field for forms, used by ItemAdmin, just like the formItem key in the fields property.

    • type The type of the form item, one of the available FORM_ITEM_META_TYPE_?

    • levels For FORM_ITEM_META_TYPE_MULTILEVEL_SELECT or FORM_ITEM_META_TYPE_LOCATION, a hash array where each item represents one level of the multilevel select, the key is the level name and the value is a hash array with the following keys:

      • title The title of the level

      • fieldName The name of the field on the table that stores this level value


The name of the database table where this items are stored.

Last updated